Objective 1: WP2-WP3


Various experimental campaigns have been successfully carried out both in the wind tunnel and in the towing tank. The results have been analyzed in detail, written up, and presented at various scientific forums. Notably, there are two publications in internationally recognized prestigious journals:

P. Solis, M. Garrido-Martin, E. Duran, P. Gutierrez-Castillo and C. del Pino, “On the influence of spanwise deformation on lift coefficient and trailing vortices properties at low Reynolds number“, Physics of Fluids 36, 037122, March 2024 (Published)

E. Duran, M. Lorite-Díez, N. Konovalov-Shishov, P. Gutierrez-Castillo and C. del Pino, Influence of passive deformation in the lift coefficient of a NACA0012 wing model“, European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, Volume 105, 2024 (Published)

An upcoming international conference showcases as well these advances:

P.S. García, M. Garrido-Martín, E. Duran, P. Gutierrez-Castillo and C. del Pino, “Analysis of lift coefficient and trailing vortices properties at low Reynolds number with spanwise deformation“, Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics 2024 (BIFD 2024), 24-28 June 2024, Edinburgh (United Kingdom).


Numerical computations corresponding to non-deformed wings have been carried out and validated, but difficulties have been encountered in capturing the deformation effect. Work is currently being done to address this issue. There is an active exchange of ideas among team members and other researchers, further complemented by an advanced turbulence simulation course. The following conference, as well as the upcoming one, showcase the progress achieved:

L. Parras, P. Gutiérrez-Castillo, F.J. Blanco-Rodríguez and C. del Pino, “Aerodynamic forces in deformed wings“, 2nd Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference (SFCM 2023), 2-5 July 2023, Barcelona (Spain).

L. Parras, P. Gutierrez-Castillo, P. Solis, C. del Pino, F.J. Blanco-Rodríguez and E. Duran-Venegas, “Aerodynamic forces in wing models with spanwise deformation“, Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics 2024 (BIFD 2024), 24-28 June 2024, Edinburgh (United Kingdom).