Objective 2: WP4

Frequency Response analysis has been implemented for a vortex flow, incorporating as a novelty the variation of the distance from the injection point to the center of the vortex. This allows for optimizing the injection to achieve a faster mitigation of the vortex intensity. The results are currently being written up for submission to a prestigious journal. This article, developed in collaboration with T. Bölle from German Aerospace Center (DLR), is expected to be submitted in June 2024. Additionally, these results have been submitted for both past and upcoming international conferences:

M. Garrido-Martin, F.J. Blanco-Rodríguez, P. Gutiérrez-Castillo and C. del Pino, “Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Active Injection Location on the Frequency REsponse of a Batchelor Vortex“, 2nd Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference (SFCM 2023), 2-5 July 2023, Barcelona (Spain).

C. del Pino, F.J. Blanco-Rodríguez, M. Garrido-Martín and L. Parras, “Frequency response of Batchelor vortex“, 2nd Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference (SFCM 2023), 2-5 July 2023, Barcelona (Spain).

P. Gutierrez-Castillo, M. Garrido-Martin, T. Bölle, F.J. Blanco-Rodríguez and C. del Pino, “INFLUENCE OF THE THEORETICAL MODEL ON AN ACTIVE CONTROL OF WINGTIP VORTICES“, Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics 2024 (BIFD 2024), 24-28 June 2024, Edinburgh (United Kingdom).

M. Garrido-Martin, T. Bölle, C. del Pino, F.J. Blanco-Rodríguez and P. Gutierrez-Castillo, “FREQUENCY RESPONSE AS A TOOL FOR OPTIMIZING ACTIVE CONTROL OF TRAILING VORTICES“, Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics 2024 (BIFD 2024), 24-28 June 2024, Edinburgh (United Kingdom).

F.J. Blanco-Rodríguez, M. Garrido-Martin, C. del Pino, T. Bölle and P. Gutierrez-Castillo, “On the effect of the axial flow on the frequency response of a Batchelor vortex“, 1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference (EFDC1), 16-20 September 2024, Aachen (Germany).